Como saben es su cumpleaños y MTV saco estas 23 razones por las cuales amar a nuestro robert. Esta en ingles y dado que no soy muy buena no puedo traducirles! Si alguien esta dispuesto a traducirlo lo agradeceria.
In case you haven’t heard, the powers that be blessed us with Robert Pattinson twenty-three years ago today. In other words, “Happy 23rd Birthday RPattz!”
I can’t physically give Robert a present, because a) I don’t know him and b) sending him a cupcake with a special message would seem really creepy. Instead, I’ve decided to create a list in his honor. What is this great list you may ask? Well, I’m going to write up 23 reasons why I’m thankful for RPattz.
As you can imagine, thinking up 23 reasons why you’re thankful for someone can be quite difficult, especially when you’ve never met the person, but I found it pretty easy to dream up reasons why my pop cultured/boy-crazy life - not to mention my bulletin board and my desktop - would be super boring if Robert wasn’t born in grand old England all those years ago. So without further adieu, I would like to present you, my fellow “Twilight” fans, these 23 reasons why we should all be thankful for Robert Pattinson:
23: I’m thankful that he won’t think I’m a weirdo (I hope) if he ever reads this blog post. (wink wink)
22: He’s friends with Camilla Bell, who’s dating Joe Jonas. The possibility that RPattz jams with a Jonas Brother is something we should all be thankful for.
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Es amigo de Camilla Bell quien esta saliendo con Joe Jonas. Eso da la posibilidad de que Robert conozca o algo asi xd a Jonas Brother y es algo que nosotras tenemos que agradecer
21: He can totally pwn Harry Potter and kick Voldemort’s ass. Voldemort did have Cedric/RPattz murdered by Peter Pettigrew, but he had to die and be unavailable for future installments of Harry Potter, right? Robert wouldn’t have had any time to be in “Twilight” and a Harry Potter/Cedric Diggory spinoff wouldn’t be as awesome.
20: He likes to read. See everyone! Reading is fundamental!
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Le gusta leer y como saben leer es fundamental
19: He has a nice accent.
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Tiene un lindo acento
18: He always has that brooding look. It’s like he’s in pain but deep in thought at the same time. It’s kind of amazing.
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Tiene esa mirada. Que es como de dolor y pensamiento al mismo tiempo. Es algo asombroso
17: His astrological sign is Taurus, which mean he’s dependable, romantic, passionate, and thoughtful. ‘Nuff said.
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Es de tauro singnifica que es confiable, romantico, apasionado y pensativo.
16: According to an interview with the LA Times, coughing makes him cry. Since I have asthma, coughing makes me cry too. We’re a match made in heaven.
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En una entrevista en LA times toser le hace llorar. Y como soy asmatica tambien me pasa lo mismo. Estamos hechos el uno para el otro o algo así xdd
15: He has his own grungy, laid-back style. He makes beanie hats look good.
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Tiene su propio estilo grungy, reclinado. Y usa sombreros que le quedan bien
14: Robert seems like a normal dude, someone you can have a nice chat with. He doesn’t come off like one of those Hollywood player types, which is probably why so many women are crushing on him. Remember last November when he said he hadn’t kissed a girl in a while? That’s pretty hard to believe, but it’s cute that he doesn’t know he’s gorgeous.
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Robert es alguien normal, que podes tener una charla con el. El no sale como uno de esos chicos de Hollywood, y es por eso que probablemente muchas mujeres estan enamoradas de él. Recuerdan en Noviembre del año pasado cuando dijo que el no habia besado a una mujer hace mucho tiempo? Es dificil de creer, pero es lindo que el no sepa que es fantastico.
13: He smells like roses. Of course I don’t really know if he does or not, but he definitely doesn’t stink! Take that, haters!
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El huele a rosas. Por supuesto la verdad no lo se si es asi o no, pero definitivamente no apesta! Toma eso, haters!
12: He aspires to be like acting great Jack Nicholson. I aspire to be Jack Nicholson during my spare time too.
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El aspira a ser un gran actor como Jack Nicholson.
11: When he made his first appearance in “Twilight” and entered the cafeteria, he made us all wish that we lived in some rainy town with vampires running rampant in the woods. Sure it sounds scary, but none of that mattered as long as we could see Robert during lunch period. It made me yearn for my high school days. Oh the memories!
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Cuando aparecio por primera vez en Twilight y entro a la cafeteria, el nos hizo decear vivir en alguna ciudad donde llueva y halla vampiros corriendo desenfrenadamente en el bosque. Seguramente eso puedo sonar miedoso, pero nada de eso importaria se veriamos a nuestro robert en los almuerzos. Esto me hace anhelar mis días en la secundaria. Oh los recuerdos!
10: He can talk about his underwear, his toenails, and his not-so-stellar running ability on camera and still make the ladies swoon. I mean how many other heartthrobs would be willing to talk about those topics? Yeah. None.
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El puede hablar acerca de su ropa interior, de las uñas de sus pies y de esa no tan no se que cosas habilidad con la camara y hacer que las chicas les guste creo no se no entiedo jaja. Que otro famoso esta dispuesto a hablar de esos asuntos? Si. Ninguno
9: If his vampire skills ever fail him, he can always resort to his expertise in wizardry. Which makes him lethal with a wooden stick.
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Si sus habilidades de vampiro le fallan, siempre puede recurrir a las de mago. Que lo hace mortal con un palito de madera
8: He can wear a curly cue mustache as the bizarre Salvador Dali in “Little Ashes” and still look hot.
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El puede usar un bigote haciendo de Dali en "Little Ashes" y todavia estar hot!
7: He plays Edward Cullen, the sparkly immortal, who for many women is the perfect boyfriend (minus the blood sucking vampire part).
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El es Edward Cullen, el brilloso inmortal, que muchas mujeres piensan que es el novio perfecto (sacando la parte de vampiro chupa sangre)
6: He can sing (swoon) really well. (You had “Never Think” on repeat! Admit it!)
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El puede cantar realmente bien. (Usted tiene "Never Think en repeticion! Admitalo!)
5: He has the ability to look like this with a cigarette in his mouth.
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El tiene la habilidad de parecer esto con un cigarrillo en la boca.
4: He managed to turn the words “spider monkey” into a term of endearment. He can call me spider monkey any day.
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El manejo las palabras "spider monkey" adentro de terminos de no se que. El puede llamarme spider monkey cualquier dia
3: His hair. Whether it’s short, long, unruly, or perfectly styled, he has FANTASTIC hair.
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Su pelo. Que importa si es corto, largo, desordenado o perfectamente peinado, tiene un fantasico pelo.
2: He is so awkward and seemingly shy during all of his interviews that you just want to sit him down, give him a hug and say, “It’s going to be alright. The camera won’t eat you.” That awkwardness/goofiness makes him so endearing. It’s part of his charm.
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El es tan torpe y timido en las entrevistas que que quiere levantarse, abrasarlo y decirle "todo va a estar bien. La camara no va a comerte" Esa dificultad lo hace tan no se que. Es parte de su encanto
(Redoblete de tambores por favor)
1. I know Robert is here to stay, which means I have something to occupy my time for years to come. With his upcoming projects and the rest of the flicks from the “Twilight” saga coming out in theaters, I won’t have time to twiddle my thumbs. Crushing on RPattz is like the Best. Hobby. Ever!
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Se que robert esta aqui para quedarse, los medios ya tienen algo para ocuparse el tiempo durante unos años. Con sus proximos proyectos y el resto de las peliculas de "Twilight", no tendre tiempo para girar mis pulgares. Enamorada de RPattz, es el mejor. Mania. Siempre !
Tambien E! Online festeja su cumpleaños haciendo una recopilacion de algunas fotos de nuestro hermoso robert. Lo pueden ver aqui.